Today, my son went with his Grandmother to the 2nd annual Comic Con Kid's Day. I initially intended to go with him but tickets for adults were $30.00 each. I opted against paying it as I'm not a comic fan and while it's always nice to spend time with my son, it was a chance for my wife and I to hang out for a day.
My wife and I took off to the mall and then grabbed dinner at Friday's. We had a great time and it was pretty warm out today.
On our way to pick our son up, he called me. He tells me that he has a present for me and that I'm going to be "so happy". I had NO CLUE as to what it might be.
I arrive at my Mom's and he digs in his bag of goods he'd collected throughout the day and pulls this out:

He was absolutely right! I
was so happy. BEST. SON. EVER! Voltron is my shit.