
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Slot-A - "Choose Wisely" feat. Sincerely Yours

You're a rapper. The show is over. You go backstage. Groupies await. It just got real.

That's the premise of the "Choose Wisely" from Chicago triple threat Slot-A featuring Sincerely Yours. The song is an "all-in-good-fun" lyrical romp over a bounding synth bass line that promises to have you chuckle a few times at the imagery associated with the story telling. "Choose Wisely" is loosely based on the super popular Old Spice commercials featuring Isaiah Mustafa.

Look out for two projects from Slot-A in the very near future. 'Have You Seen My Stapler' with Mike Schpitz on December 18th and his solo effort, 'The Transition' in January 2013. In the meantime, check out this free stream and download after the jiggidy jump.

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