
Monday, February 25, 2013

Vanessa Elisha - "Home to Me"

The songbird from down under is a super clean 2 for 2! This number slipped out quietly last night via her twitter account and everybody is buzzing about this morning. Well played, Ms. Elisha. Well played. Everybody can't do that. Especially unsigned artists.

After you hear "Home to Me" and the previous release "Blur" you too will understand what the chatter is about. Vanessa Elisha is so right now. Her soft and soulful vocals work so well over Jrdn Gxnius' bass heavy production; Hard vs. smooth. A real throwback to the girl power vocalists of the 90s like T-Boz of TLC or Pamela of Total. Now don't get me wrong, Vanessa is a much more capable vocalist than either of those ladies but the sound and feel are similar.

Jump into the track below and see for yourself. I'm convinced that Vanessa Elisha is on the fast track. What do you think?

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