Back in '06 I switched cell phone companies to get this PDA phone that was unmatched on the market at the time. There was nothing with a 4" touch screen, full QWERTY keyboard, Windows Mobile 5, etc. I HAD to have it. I even convinced my whole family to switch with me. That wasn't a difficult task anyway because the base plans of the service were much cheaper than other companies then. I moved from AU to Willcom. Willcom was a fledgling company then looking to shake up the Japanese cell phone market. They did an amazing job at it too.
The phone is called the Zero3. I fell in love with it the first day I saw it and it has served me well ever since. Eventually though, the software started to show it's age and I began to hope for an updated version of the same phone. I waited and waited and no news ever broke about a new Zero3 handset.
In early April, I made my way back to the US and less than a week after I got here....out of nowhere......
A new Zero3 releases. :|
It's mostly everything I wanted in a new Zero3 model. Faster, lighter, thinner and sexier. Screen size could be a little bigger for me, but it's definitely passable at 3".
This is a MUST cop as soon as I get back to Japan.
Is this available in the US?
or is it only in japan?
i have to get this phone!
Japan only. Sorry. This company uses a PHS network that doesn't exist in the US.
a year later, is it available in the u.s?
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